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Our Search Engine Optimization Service

Kaasa Web Tech SEO services make it easy for your site to be found on the internet through a variety of honest and ethical processes. We can process to submit / register your site with a wide range of search engines and directories that will increase traffic to your. Research has shown that 92% of web sites are found directly through search engines. We currently offer many ways to get you in the top search engines and bring traffic to your site just like submitting to the major search engines your results are based on many factors, mostly relevance and the number of other sites linking to you. They also do not have a paid inclusion so others cannot buy their way to the top of the rankings.

We also UseOpen Directory Project (DMOZ) which is the largest human edited directory on the internet. Users of this directory include :
1. AOL Search
2. AltaVista
3. HotBot
4. Google
5. Lycos
6. Netscape Search

In addition to SEO, consider paid submission programs, PPC (pay-per-click) advertising, reciprocal links campaigns, and advertising your site on others. A few examples include:

1. Google AdWords.
2. Microsoft adCenter
3. Yahoo! Search Marketing (Formerly Overture)

The following tasks are used to optimize sites for search engines:

1. Research relevant keywords and phrases
2. Incorporate keywords and keyword rich phrases into your copy
3. Use semantic markup for a more search engine friendly website
4. Use relevant title and meta tags for each page
5. Use keywords within link URLs and corresponding title attributes
6. Use relevant keywords within image alt attributes
7. Use CSS to separate content from presentation when possible
8. Add text link navigation to all internal pages
9. Use text alternatives for Flash content, audio and other media files
10. Remove all JavaScript and CSS code and place them in external files
11. Fix and validate HTML code errors and remove unnecessary tags
12. Provide a sitemap and use a robots.txt file